The last few days have been gloomy.
A constant blanket of clouds has created a lack of motivation to get much done this week leaving me grateful for my marathon cleaning day on Monday, with the house straitened and all the laundry put away I had the perfect excuse for laying around the house in sweats, making cider, and cuddling with my little girl more than normal in the afternoons. I'm not gonna lie I love the rain, the gloom and dreariness that give the world the relaxed pause that it needs so often.
So instead of going out we found a way to amuse ourselves indoors!
With hot air balloon rides,
and the attack of Baby Kong!
In other news the gauntlet has been thrown!
*Story time*
When I was in high school I decided to learn to bake cheesecakes, not just make one and be done, but perfect the art, and I did. Jump ahead a few years, Jared and I were just starting to date and I had stayed up well into the morning hours on the phone with him and had to make a cheesecake for my family christmas the day. Needless to say I was less than motivated to complete the task and did so half heartedly. My Uncle was less than thrilled at my mediocre dessert and challenged me to a cheesecake competition the following Thanksgiving. I accepted the challenge and nearly a year later I got a full nights rest and kicked his butt! He demanded a rematch: apple pie, and sadly I lot my title as champion. Last year I redeemed myself and won with a boston cream pie, and well this year we are battling it out over (drum-roll) pecan pie! Neither of us has ever baked a pecan pie before so the playing field has been leveled and it's on! I plan on resourcing my ex-amish mother-in-law's Pie recipe but if any of you have a good one, please feel free to share!
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