A bit has happened since I was last able to post. As usual life is busy but really I need to stop using that as an excuse because who isn't busy. So truthfully my priorities have shifted and blogging is more of something that I do to keep friends and family that I can't talk to on a daily basis in the loop and i think I use this more of a virtual scrapbook/timeline for our lives since lets face it I have about 3 square feet of crafting space allotted to me and have no time to use it to make tangible scrap books!
The super bowl happened, I'm embarrassed to say that I already forgot who played and won! But we went to 2 different parties. I ate my weight in appetizers, and our littles got some energy out.
Isabella turned 1/2 year old (today she's 7 months but we all know I'm behind)
I know she's the cutest kid you've ever seen!
I love my girls more than life itself - so much it hurts. I know my life is SO very blessed. But having two little kids into everything, tearing up the house, constantly pulling and screaming and whining and my house is a mess (some say it's fine but for me it's a mess) and my laundry is never done and my car looks worse than a teenage boys. Do you know this feeling? Well that has become my normal, and I'm trying to be flexible, and go with it and embrace the crazy! So last weekend when both of our families came in and we had something scheduled every night they were here it was an adventure!
Jared and Addiston had a Daddy daughter date night at church and while honestly she may still be a little too young to appreciate the concept she liked getting dressed up and even had a good time poking fun at me that she got to go on a date with Daddy!
She was so dear and sat so still so that I could do her hair fancy. She wore jewelry and a cardigan as Jared claims all good church girls do and of course she needed a purse to match!
The contents of the purse were my favorite-she picked it out herself, lotion, chap-stick, and her superstar sunglasses!
Jared and I had a much less glamorous breakfast date the next morning to pre-celebrate Valentines!
We didn't get to see Jared's parents for Christmas so we finished up our gift giving in the middle of february, which was perfect because the new toy appeal was wearing off.
The reason everyone was here was for Isabella to be dedicated. I know not all denominations participate in this tradition and some label it as something different but have proudly dedicated both of our girls and I personally love the sentiment! It's a public declaration that we acknowledge that children are a gift from God and that we will raise our children to know love the Lord.
Isabella got dedicated along with Nora, her parents are some of our closest friends and I just love that this is the first of many things they will get to share!
Our sweet pastor prayed individual prayers over each of the girls and it was so dear to me.
Our church prays for expectant mothers by name every week from the time a pregnancy is announced until the baby is born. This man prayed for Isabella from the time we announced we were pregnant about a year ago, he came and held her in the hospital the day after she was born and he presented her to the lord on our behalf.
My prayers are changing. And it's hard. I've grown out of praying health and happiness for my family. I have had to face some hard lessons the lord is working on we with and while I DO want my girls to be safe and healthy. But the safest place you can be is the center of God's will. And that's exactly what I'm praying they will always be in. Whether that's a teacher in Texas or a missionary in the Middle East. My prayer is that they will be bold women for Christ. That they will have a passion for Him. Period. No matter what path gets them there. And I think I'm trying to make sure I live that out in my life as well.
It snowed here a few weeks ago (As I sit here with my windows open because its in the 60s today that's comical) Addiston thought it was a lot of snow and wanted to go play in it, until she got outside that is.
And in case you were wondering, Isabella has been comfortably sleeping in her own bed for some time now. I forgot to post the exact date but my date stamp in my camera says it was January 21st! She's such a good baby and sleeps through the night so well that we really didn't have a big reason to kick her out but I don't want her sleeping in our room when she's 4 so better now than never!
She is also moving around so much more! Changing her clothes is going to take the place of wrestling in the olympics in 2016. She is so squirmy that it takes several distractions and often both of us to get her into anything more complicated than a onesie. She was doing much better with eating solids, not quite up to normal but almost, until she got an ear infection and that set us back but she's been there, she'll get back!
2 mobile children scares me! As many of you know I'm type A and my last year has had me completely out of control. It's life with little ones and I know that it's a season - but I find myself loosing it a lot more than I would like to admit. I've been so ashamed at how I snap at Jared or I get angry when Addiston refuses to obey when I've asked her something 10 times in a row. It seems to just make my emotions get even worse and my world feel even more out of control when I don't like the way I've acted. I've been trying so hard this year to pray and have quiet times in the morning and try to get a handle on how I'm feeling. (and the good moments far outweigh the bad......but I'm just being honest - I HATE who I am when I have those bad moments. I want to be sweet happy mom and wife all the time.) Luckily I married the king of patient and his relaxed ways while they can at time be the very thing that drive me bonkers, are the very thing I need to put things in perspective.
This is one of the sweetest parts of every day! Jared reads to Addiston every night (2 stories and the bible) then they pray. Some nights he takes Isabella in there with him so I can straiten up the house or on the rare occasion take a bath, I love how much he loves his girls, and that he takes time to teach them and makes his family a priority!