Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Real life

It hit me the other day when I was getting ready to go out that this is it: my life! Like all of a sudden something clicked, poof, lightbulb, and wham, I realized how blessed I am and how this is my life and dude this is way better than I imagined. Ya know when you're little and you make believe what it'll be like to be a grown up, all ponies and tea parties, and then you grow up a little and you get a slight little glimpse at a sliver of reality, and you figure out that you can't spend your whole paycheck on toys and gummy worms. Then you start plan for your life; go to college, save, move, mingle. Then all of a sudden one day you're standing there putting on eyeliner and you realize that all the stuff you'd been prepping for is here, not really, because you haven't had a tea party in over a decade and you've realized that gummy worms aren't made of anything even remotely resembling real food but your life is here.

Saturday night I went out. My first girls night since before the babe was born and oh buddy was it long overdue! Typically I get Addy all dressed up and take a billion pictures of her and I look like death warmed over so the one time that I went all out and she was bummin' it I decided to document it!
I've got some of the greatest friends I could have ever asked for, honest, uplifting, positive, and funny to all get out, like seriously you couldn't have hand picked better people to surround yourself with than these girls! They appeased my type A planning self and RSVPed to a night out (I know, right?) got dressed up, went out in the POURing rain, walked 2 blocks in squishy wet shoes, (or maybe I was the only one with the squishy shoes) to a fabulous restaurant downtown where we picked out which couples were getting engaged and which were just coming from their wedding-we totally saw a bride and groom leaving, wedding dress still on and everything!

I love that people feel comfortable hanging out here and so what if there are wires running in every which direction all over my den so that Jared and his friends could set up two tv's to play video games, because really one isn't enough.
We got back to tired husbands that had been planted in front of flat screens for 5+ hours and had little regard for greeting their pumped up, energetic wives.

Addiston is officially six months old and for her 1/2 birthday we celebrated by giving her a taste of solid food. Carrots. I hate 'em, no seriously like loathe the texture, the flavor and the smell, it makes me gag a little. I don't know what why but I always have and as far as I know I always will. I give them a try every so often just to see if I still detest them and yep, still do! Well my girl didn't think too highly of them either, but that's normal and we'll try again.

The perfect mom that I am in my head eats all organic food, a ton of veggies and drinks water non stop. The mom I am in real life binges on Oreo's now and again, needs coffee in life and is slightly addicted to chip dip. Well the mom I am in my head peaked through with homemade organic baby food!
Jared's mom bought me this lil contraption, and it's super easy to use and clean up. Score!

I don't know if I've already mentioned it but she has discovered the cats. She'll be playing on the floor or in her little jenny-jumper and one will walk by and she'll just freeze and stare. When they get too far away without acknowledging her she'll just yell at them. demanding their attention. One runs from her every time he realizes that he's even in her vicinity, the other is more curious. (We all know what they say about curiosity and cats) He comes close, sniffs her, lets her grab at him and chase him in slow motion army crawl way. However if she ever happens to get a good grip he wrigles and this look of panic flashes in his eyes as if he would be willing to sacrifice the chunk of hair she as captured in order to be free.

So here's to tea parties on the living room floor, splurging on a shiny new toy (or pair of boots) eating a whole bowl of puppy chow and living life!

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