Friday, November 2, 2012

Lunch with Daddy

When we moved to Nashville 3 years ago we anticipated moving back to somewhere in Ohio in 3-5 years. We often talk about this fact and are still very unsure where we will end up. We just know that our Nashville story isn't finished yet. We jokingly keep a score card for Nashville vs. Ohio and today I think Nashville earned a point or two!

Today my favorite food truck was a block from Jared's office downtown so the girls and I decided to meet him for lunch. Addiston was so excited to see daddy in the middle of the day and it was absolutely beautiful (70 degrees-in November) so we found a good spot on "the green" by a fun fountain and enjoyed some gourmet grilled cheeses!


All the business men got a kick out of Addy yelling how excited she was to see daddy and the "mountains"-fountain and get lots of grilled cheesy's! And I might add that whoever thought to put pumpkin in a grilled cheese is on the short list for my new best friend!

She likes to cheers anything that matches; cups, napkins, toys, and apparently sandwiches.


After we ate I decided why not play in the fountain so we had fun splashing and trying to grab the water and running through when the water was low!

(excuse the yoga clothes I had a self defense class this morning-I usually don't rock the workout clothes outside of a gym!)


Addiston loved playing in the water but was a little intimidated to go by herself. she prefers "flying" through the mist with mom or dad.

After half an hour of playing in the fountain someone got brave and decided to run through on her own
we may be a bad influence as a family because a few tourist families' kids tried to get in on the fountain action and got a swift scolding to step back! OOPS! Sorry we like to have fun with our kids!

This little one was so good the whole time, she just sat in her seat and cooed and smiled!

Nap time was approaching for the older girl and the little one needed to eat so we had to tell the daddy goodbye but not till after a quick stop at my favorite coffee shop!


+1 for Nashville

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